How to quit smoking
Every smoker has tried to quit at one time or another and have found that it can be very difficult. You can increase your chances of being successful by having support and having tricks in place to help you when you need it.
Think about signing up for motivational emails or text messages when you want to quit smoking. Oftentimes, people fail to quit because they lack the motivation or encouragement to do so. These messages will give you that push you need when you feel as if you want to give up.
Use the tips below to create a solid plan for your battle against smoking.
To effectively how to quit smoking weed, have a plan mapped out. Take some time to prepare yourself by writing down the steps you will take to quit, who you will call for support, and what you will do if you should slip up. Putting these things in writing makes them concrete, and it is much like making a contract with yourself. This can have a very powerful affect on your mindset, helping you to stay focused on your journey toward quitting.
Receiving support from friends and family members can go a long way in helping you to quit smoking. It's especially important to remind them that getting over an addiction can cause mood swings and irritability. If people close to you are understanding of the situation, it will make relapsing that much easier to avoid.
Though aversion therapies have gotten a bad rap recently, they do sometimes work in helping you to stop smoking. They do not need to be extravagant methods and you don't need to pay a therapist to employ aversion techniques. Try the simple things, such as permeating your favorite sweater with the smoke from that last cigarette you smoke. Then reach for it after not smoking for a day or two; you will be appalled at the offensive odor that you have been subjecting yourself and others to on a daily basis.
Remind yourself of how gross cigarettes are. This will help you focus on quitting because you will think about how dirty they are. Avoid emptying ashtrays so you can see how much you've smoked and the terrible smell it leaves behind. You may also want to try filling a jar with the butts and ashes as a reminder.
Remember when you begin quitting that the law of addiction is absolutely a part of the equation. This "law" basically emphasizes that giving a drug of choice to an addicted person within the detoxification period will immediately reinstate an addiction. This can be be a worse addiction than it was originally, making smoking within the first 72 hours not worth it!
To help you how to quit smoking weed you should join a support group. By joining a support group you are around other people who are dealing with the same issues as you. Not only that, they will be there to help support you when that urge to smoke arises. Usually people in these groups have quit before so they can tell you the things to avoid.
If you are finding that you aren't enjoying food and drinks as much as you used to, consider quitting smoking. Smoking can cause damage to the taste buds in your mouth, meaning that you don't recognize tastes in the same way. If you quit, your taste buds will soon recuperate, meaning you will be able to enjoy your favorite meals once again.
Before you attempt to quit smoking, figure out exactly why you want to quit. Are you worried that it will worsen a condition you have, or that it will cause you develop a long-term illness? Are you worried about the impact second-hand smoke is having on your loved ones? If you know exactly why you're quitting, any method you use will be more effective.
When you decide to how to quit smoking weed, be sure to set a quit date. Pick the day that you will definitely smoke your last cigarette, and then stick to it. Write it down and make it a part of your plan. Mark the day on your calendar as the first day of the rest of your smoke-free life.
Don't be afraid to let guilt be a motivation for quitting smoking, especially when it comes to those around you. Your loved ones, whether you want to admit it or not, are inevitably going to be affected by your smoking habit if you do not quit now. Not only does the cost take away from things you could be doing for your family, but you are also exposing them constantly to secondhand smoke.
Make a list of reasons that you want to quit smoking, and keep them in your wallet. Your reasons may include your family, living to see a special event, or anything you find meaningful. Whenever you have moments of weakness, pull out your list for several reminders of what you are working toward.
Try replacement therapy to how to quit smoking weed. Pick an activity as simple as chewing gum, drinking tea, or eating a piece of candy. Every time you get a craving, or at times when you would normally go out and have a smoke, take part in your new activity instead. If you keep it up long enough, you could replace the pattern in your head.
When you are trying to how to quit smoking weed, be sure that you are drinking plenty of water. Not only is water good for you, but it also fulfills the need to have something in your mouth. Also, large amounts of water help to clear out nicotine and other chemicals in your body caused by cigarettes.
After quitting, save the money you normally would have been spending on cigarettes. Keep track of how much money you have set aside. After you have reached your year milestone, you should have saved up a significant amount of money. Treat yourself to a special night out or a treat that you have been wanting for a long time. Reward yourself for your efforts in quitting this strong addiction.
Starting an exercise program can help you how to quit smoking weed. It is extremely difficult to follow a rigorous exercise program as a smoker. If you are able to find a program that you are enthusiastic about, it can be a strong motivator for quitting smoking. In addition, exercise can help repair the damage done to your lungs.
When you are trying to how to quit smoking weed, use the method that works best for you. Some people have more success by quitting gradually, while others do better by quitting cold turkey. Try one method, and if it does not work for you, switch to the other method to see if it gives you better results.
Use visualization to help you quit smoking. Take a few minutes each day to close your eyes and image your life as a nonsmoker. Picture yourself refusing a cigarette someone offers you. Conjure a picture of yourself tossing out your cigarettes and giving yourself a reward for it. Picture yourself being successful and you are much more likely to reach your goal.
It is true that most smokers have tried to quit and have failed at least once. There are many reasons for their failure but you can greatly increase your odds for success by learning from others and using tips like the ones in the above article to stay on track and finally achieve success and be a non-smoker at last.

The Quit Smoking Cruise
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